Adventure Details
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Reservation fee
Price per person
Guest limit
4918 ft.River Mileage
1 3/4 MileAcreage
54 acresSpecies
Carp, TroutThis Tank Farm property is a DIY fishing property located just east of Glenrock, WY and north of I-25. It consists of just over a mile of private river for your day trip! Some of the banks may be fairly steep, so please use caution when accessing the river. The appropriate method of fishing here is wade-fishing. This stretch of river gives anglers the opportunity at multiple species of fish, including Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, and Carp. This property is perfect for all anglers, whether you are flyfishing, spin fishing, or bow fishing! SPEEDING OVER 15mph ON PRIVATE ROADS WILL RESULT IN FINES.
The North Platte is a widely known river for its massive trout with a stunning 4,000 catchable fish per mile. This river is home to incredible browns, rainbows, and cutthroat trout, with this property offering a unique opportunity for carp as well. This property is primarily slower water with some excellent riffles, structure, and bends providing excellent holding area for fish.
All residents and non-residents required to have current WY fishing license -
Drivers should stay under 15 MPH on private roads. Violators will be subject to fines starting at $100
You are not legally allowed to access the property, for any adventure, prior to your selected access day. If you try to access the property at all before your selected date(s), without prior approval from IO, you will be subject to trespassing and punishments therein.