Adventure Details
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Reservation fee
Price per person
Guest limit
1100 acresElevation
4900 ftMighty Moser is a DIY predator hunting property located near Briggsdale, CO. This property is made up of over 1,100 acres of CRP grass that provides plenty of ground for coyotes and other predators to roam.
The thick cover of CRP will offer plenty of room for coyotes to den and stay unseen. A sufficient population of prey animals in the area also keeps the coyotes around all year long. Spring time is a crucial time of year for predator management, as it helps decrease the amount of prey, like fawns, being taken by predators. It also is a good time of year to still take predators with quality pelts, before they shed their winter coats and prepare for the warmer months.
You are not legally allowed to access the property, for any adventure, prior to your selected access day. If you try to access the property at all before your selected date(s), without prior approval from IO, you will be subject to trespassing and punishments therein.