Property photo

Brighton, CO


Rock Farms - Pit #2

Adventure Details

Reservation fee


Price per person




Guest limit



5040 ft.


65 acres


Drivers should stay under 15 MPH on private roads. Violators will be subject to fines starting at $100


If there is a lapse in availability, please do not be discouraged to reach out to IO. All calendars are set and managed by landowners, and unavailability is set by them. However, IO is willing to reach out on your behalf, to check on available dates. Other reasons for unavailable dates include biologist recommended hunter/harvest quotas that landowners implement, as well as state season dates not being released.

Layout Blind Hunting

Layout Blind hunting for geese can be equally as quality as hunting from a pit, if done right. Hunters who do not have a layout blind, and are members of Infinite Outdoors, should check out their member benefits for discounts on Alps Outdoorz blinds.


You are not legally allowed to access the property, for any adventure, prior to your selected access day. If you try to access the property at all before your selected date(s), without prior approval from IO, you will be subject to trespassing and punishments therein.

Brushing In

Although the blind is there, please consider showing up earlier and brushing yourself in the way you see fit. However, please also keep modesty in mind, and do not overdo the blind by tearing up the property.


Please read the Terms of Service before fully booking your adventure. Otherwise, Refunds are only permitted at the discretion of Infinite Outdoors. This is only in conjunction with particular situations including, but not limited to, modifications to reservation (usually by a reduction in reserved days) or full cancellation of any Infinite Outdoors adventure, either hunting or fishing. No refunds will be permitted, in ANY case, if the individual(s) broke any of Infinite Outdoors Rules or Policies as set out by the Infinite Outdoors team, and each individual Landowner.
Unavailable dates may be due to properties already being booked to capacity or landowners have not yet made dates available, Feel free to contact an Infinite Outdoors member or support team if this issue arises.
Non hunters require prior approval. Once approved they must still be IO members but may be subject to reduced price or free outdoorsman fee. If this applies to you, please reach out to IO.
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