Adventure Details
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Reservation fee
Price per person
Guest limit
4225 ft.Acreage
12 acresThis property, located right outside Yonder Wy, is 4 acres of pasture land with a large prairie dog town spread through a majority of it. when hunting this property you will need to be mindful of what direction you are shooting with a road bordering one side and houses in the vicinity. This Town doesn't see much pressure leading to fairly unbothered prairie dogs and plenty of shots to be taken.
This property holds Prairie dogs and lots of them. This property is made up of pasture land with a small pond.
The state of Wyoming does not require licensing for predators or prairie dogs. All hunters must still abide by all other WY regulations, such as no shooting from vehicles or roads.
You are not legally allowed to access the property, for any adventure, prior to your selected access day. If you try to access the property at all before your selected date(s), without prior approval from IO, you will be subject to trespassing and punishments therein.