Adventure Details
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Reservation fee
Price per person
Guest limit
Pheasant and QuailAcreage
814West Platte Upland offers a great chance for hunters to get on some birds! Just north of Cromwell, Iowa, this property is comprised of roughly 700 acres of upland bird habitat. The property holds water, trees, thick grasslands, and also features agriculture fields ensured to have upland game. Please note that all attending parties must have all licenses, tags, etc. Additionally, all attending parties must be members of Infinite Outdoors in order to access this property legally. Lodging and camping options are also available on this property. Reach out to Infinite Outdoors to inquire about availability.
West Platte Upland offers excellent habitat for upland species. Pheasant and Quail on this property utilize a combination of grasslands, idle fields, wetlands, croplands, hay-lands, and shrub-lands. Key habitat for pheasants and quail include undisturbed low- to medium-high grasses, legumes and nesting and brood rearing habitat. Upland birds will utilize this not just in the fall, but all year. The combination of grassland habitat as well as crop fields in the surrounding areas make this a hotspot for upland species. Hunters can target drainages and grassland areas where birds hold tight and become weary of your presence. The abundance of dense grass on West Platte Upland allows for birds to hold tighter and prevent them from running out of range. This property is a must for your next upland hunting adventure and offers some prime habitat in the famous upland state of Iowa.
Reservation fees are processed at the time of booking and are non-refundable. All outdoorsman fees will process automatically, 48 hours prior to the hunt.
Cancellations must be made 48 hours or more prior to the adventure. Cancellations made within 48 hours will be subject to partial or full ourdoorsman fee charges.
If there is a lapse in availability, please do not be discouraged from contacting Infinite Outdoors. Some landowners have not opened their land for reservations yet. The other reason properties might be unavailable is because we work directly with our landowners and hunts are booked by quota set by our biologist for the current year. That being said, we are willing, and able in most cases, to pre-book you for next season. OR book you in place of someone else canceling their reservation.
You are not legally allowed to access the property, for any adventure, prior to your selected access day. If you try to access the property at all before your selected date(s), without prior approval from IO, you will be subject to trespassing and punishments therein.