Adventure Details
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Reservation fee
Price per person
Guest limit
1161 ft.Located on the Smoky Hill River, This property offers pristine DIY waterfowl hunting opportunities. Any chairs and blinds will need to be brought by hunters. Located in a rural area west of Solomon, Ks, this property offers minimal hunting pressure. Hunters need to make sure to bring all licenses and tags required. Also, all hunters must abide by Kansas state rules and laws. Limits and regulations still apply. SPEEDING OVER 15mph ON PRIVATE ROADS WILL RESULT IN FINES.
This property is primarily made up of agricultural fields following the Smoky Hill River with excellent cover on its banks, overall providing excellent habitat for waterfowl. Residential Wood ducks along with other migratory species during the November and late seasons will be found here in large numbers. Late season provides an incredible opportunity for Mallards and Canada geese to loaf in the river while feeding in the local ag fields. The combination of the nutrient rich Smoky Hill River and large ag fields provides incredible waterfowl hunting opportunities. Be sure to read all Kansas hunting regulations for each species and season prior to arrival.
-January 21-February 3 2024 Mallard and dark goose migration in full swing. very common to see a thousand plus birds of feeding Smokey Hill fields and rivers. Geese were in area by the thousands and would often seek the river midday. Multiple 5-8 man limits were harvested on this property for late season duck and goose seasons. Many snows and specks were also harvested in large goose spreads.
Drivers should stay under 15 MPH on private roads. Violators will be subject to fines starting at $100
Riverfront and Harvest Field
South Central
If there is a lapse in availability, please do not be discouraged to reach out to IO. All calendars are set and managed by landowners, and unavailability is set by them. However, IO is willing to reach out on your behalf, to check on available dates. Other reasons for unavailable dates include biologist recommended hunter/harvest quotas that landowners implement, as well as state season dates not being released.
You are not legally allowed to access the property, for any adventure, prior to your selected access day. If you try to access the property at all before your selected date(s), without prior approval from IO, you will be subject to trespassing and punishments therein.
Dec 28, 2024
5 out of 5 stars