Adventure Details
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Reservation fee
Price per person
Snow and Dark GeeseHunt Duration
1 DayAcreage
4 Man PitThis property is just being listed. A new 4 man pit was just built and dates are open.
South of Sterling Colorado and located in the heart of great waterfowl country just off the South Platte River. This is a new property to the IO platform but we've learned from other properties nearby this will produce day after day during the migration. Great for snow geese, and good for dark geese when the migration hits, this field consists of a corn field with tall stalks. A 4 man pit is provided but if people want to bring layout blinds and hunt in a different part of the field, they can do that too. Just be mindful of shooting close to the house and the highway.
Consisting of a corn field with tall stocks and is located just off the South Platte. Corn provides geese with a vital source of nutrition that helps them survive the colder and colder months, enabling hunters to capitalize on their natural feeding instincts. This property has a long history of producing a great waterfowl opportunity through the entire migration season.
Reservation fees are processed at the time of booking and are non-refundable. All outdoorsman fees will process automatically, 48 hours prior to the hunt.
Cancellations must be made 48 hours or more prior to the adventure. Cancellations made within 48 hours will be subject to partial or full ourdoorsman fee charges.
If there is a lapse in availability, please do not be discouraged to reach out to IO. All calendars are set and managed by landowners, and unavailability is set by them. However, IO is willing to reach out on your behalf, to check on available dates. Other reasons for unavailable dates include biologist recommended hunter/harvest quotas that landowners implement, as well as state season dates not being released.
You are not legally allowed to access the property, for any adventure, prior to your selected access day. If you try to access the property at all before your selected date(s), without prior approval from IO, you will be subject to trespassing and punishments therein
Youth 13 and under are welcome on the hunt without charge given proper safety etiquette and that they adhere to the party limit size. The group leader assumes responsibility and liability for those minors on the hunt. They are still responsible for all rules set forth in the property agreement.
Provided pit blinds are built at the beginning of the season. Hunters are encouraged to spend a few minutes brushing in the blinds to keep them in quality condition and keep them well hidden from birds.
Jan 11, 2025
5 out of 5 stars
Excellent location and pit blind. Didn’t get skunked, with the freeze, the majority of the birds were just locked up on the river. That’s how it goes sometimes but definitely enjoyed the hunt 100%. Thank you to all involved in the process.
Jan 9, 2025
4 out of 5 stars
Overall pretty good experience! Wish we got some more shots in but the birds stayed close to the river all day. Only suggestion is to have a ladder in the blind to make it easier to get out. I’m 5’3” and getting out was a workout!
Jan 5, 2025
5 out of 5 stars
Tough hunting but had a few groups work
Russell Fruits
Great job given the weather.