Adventure Details
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Reservation fee
Price per person
Guest limit
TimberMountain Fork Turkey, is a hunters dream. Located north of Wilburton OK, the property is tucked deep in the San Bois mountains and holds a variety of species including hogs deer bear and lots of turkey! This property sits on roughly 160 acres of pristine, woodland habitat. One defining feature of San Bois, is the heavy timber on and around the property where birds can be found grazing, and moving to and from roosts. This property does have tree stands and blinds set up. This is a DIY opportunity, meaning that hunters need to bring all supplies that they feel necessary to raise chances of success. All attending parties must be members of Infinite Outdoors to legally access this property.
Mountain Fork gives fantastic opportunity for success from a biological perspective. The property is in dense forrest where older and dead trees can be used by birds for roosting and cover purposes. In addition to that, this property does run feeders throughout the entire year and birds will scavenge through feed for much needed nutrients. Birds will hold on the property as sources needed for survival are available. Springtime will bring in breeding season as the temperatures rise in the Sanbois Mountains. Turkeys can be found during anytime of the day but will be most active during evenings and early mornings either leaving the roost or going back.
1 day (additional days can be added)
Must cancel outside of 48 hours or hunters will be charged outdoorsman fee.
If there is a lapse in availability, please do not be discouraged to reach out to IO. All calendars are set and managed by landowners, and unavailability is set by them. However, IO is willing to reach out on your behalf, to check on available dates. Other reasons for unavailable dates include biologist recommended hunter/harvest quotas that landowners implement, as well as state season dates not being released. All adventures can only be booked a maximum of 90 days in advance.
You are not legally allowed to access the property, for any adventure, prior to your selected access day. If you try to access the property at all before your selected date(s), without prior approval from IO, you will be subject to trespassing and punishments therein.