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Best New Dove Recipe: Sweet and Spicy Jalapeño Dove

Best New Dove Recipe: Sweet and Spicy Jalapeño Dove

Michael Maroney


In some parts of the US, September 1st is a holiday. People take off work, fill the truck with a few shotguns, shells, and their favorite hunting buddies and hit the field for dove opener. Spirits are high, great memories are made, and hopefully coolers come back with a bounty of delicious dove breasts.

For as long as I can remember, the best and most common way to enjoy your dove harvest was the standard dove popper. A quick marinade, a slice of jalapeno, wrap the breast in bacon, and onto the grill they go. Now there is nothing wrong with this timeless recipe, but we are here to tell you that there is a new favorite that we are adding to the dove recipe rotation this September; Sweet and Spicy Jalapeno Doves, from our friends over at The Intrepid Eater.

Our good friend Adam, who we met down in Texas at a wild hog hunt and cooking class this spring, mentioned this recipe and it instantly caught our attention. The combination of sweet and spicy along with the simplicity of the recipe is sure to become a household or hunting group favorite. Check out the recipe below and for a video tutorial visit The Intrepid Eater’s site. Don’t limit yourself to dove with this recipe, try it out with quail or other small game birds as well!


Doves and quail are amazing little birds to hunt and eat, and though their meat is quite a bit different from one another, they can be cooked up in a similar fashion due to their diminutive size.

This recipe uses whole, plucked birds. Before you groan and move on to the next recipe, stop and try it out! Plucking and gutting is a quick and relatively easy process, especially with smaller birds, and the payoff is well worth it. You get much more meat, and those who enjoy eating chicken wings will love the tactile experience of eating the meat off the bone.

This sweet and spicy sauce is highly addictive and will leave you licking your fingers and wanting more!


6 whole doves or quail, plucked

1/4 cup soy sauce

1/4 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup water

1/3 cup brown sugar

2 teaspoons cornstarch mixed with 1 tablespoon water

1 teaspoon Maggi or soy sauce

2 jalapeño peppers, minced

2 cloves garlic, minced

Oil or lard for frying


1) Using a sturdy blade or strong kitchen shears, cut along the backbone of each dove or quail to open them up. Now press them flat on the cutting board, breast side up.

2)Add the soy sauce to a large bowl and add the birds, tossing them so they get covered in the sauce. Let marinate for about 15-20 minutes.

3)Bring several inches of oil in a large pot or deep fryer to 325°F.

4)To a medium pot, add the rice vinegar, water, and brown sugar. Mix the cornstarch with the water so it forms a slurry and add it to the pot. Add the Maggi or soy sauce and the jalapeños and garlic. Mix very well, then simmer over medium heat until the liquid thickens into a clinging sauce.

5) Working in 2-3 batches, fry the birds in the oil for 6 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Transfer the fried birds to a large bowl, then pour over the sauce. Toss to coat.

6) Spoon over extra sauce to serve, and be sure to eat with your fingers!

7) Brag to all your friends about the awesome new recipe you tried this dove season!

We hope you give this great new recipe a try after your dove hunt this fall! For other amazing wild game recipes, check out The Intrepid Eater’s website and on social media @theintrepideater.

If you are looking for a spot to get away from the crowds this fall, be sure to check out any of our over 30 dove properties open for booking! We have spots across Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and more for you and your friends to visit with prices starting at just $50/day. Dove season comes and goes quickly so make sure to get your spot reserved today!