Waterfowl Hunting from a Layout Blind -ALPS OutdoorZ

Waterfowl Hunting from a Layout Blind -ALPS OutdoorZ

Brad Fenson - ALPS OutdoorZ


ALPS Waterfowl Layout Blinds—Providing the Best Option for Any Hunt

The truck ran for 15 minutes to burn the industrial-strength frost off the windows. The thermometer read a balmy -36°F, and I knew the birds would fly late. When it is really cold, the honkers and mallards wait until the sun has crept into the sky before stretching their wings.

We set up decoys, put snow covers on our blinds, and checked our calls to ensure they wouldn’t freeze. The waiting game was challenging, and I ran circles around the spread to try and stay warm. The wait lasted about two hours before the first mallards charged our decoys through blowing snow. Seeing those ducks appear like apparitions out of the white abyss got the blood flowing.

The fully plummed drakes looked magnificent, and when shotguns roared, we chuckled with excitement. I had brought my ALPS Legend Layout Blind with a waterproof tarpaulin floor to ward off the cold and provide any protection possible from the elements. Some of my buddies were not as fortunate, and after we ran to pick up birds, one of my friends asked if he could jump in my blind. I could tell instantly that it was a game-changer. I couldn’t image laying in the snow on the frozen ground. There would be no way to stay warm or comfortable.

Cold days in the ALPS OutdoorZ Legend layout blind.

The geese started flying, and we shot a full limit of honkers and mallards. It was an exceptional day. We did it all over the following day, and my blind was once again the center of attention. If you aren’t afraid of a challenge, have the best equipment to give you an advantage. The Legend comes fully assembled, and the zero-gravity chair is incredibly comfortable and keeps you off the ground. Little things, like the padded headrest, storage area, backpack straps, and stubble straps, provide options and versatility.

Earlier in the season, we hunted a huge pea field as flat as a billiard table. Hiding would be a challenge. I opted to take my Zero-Gravity Layout Blinds to ensure we would have any advantage possible. We set up decoys, placed the blinds, and spaced them so that the flared sides could be stretched and staked to make the line of hunters look like a subtle row of stubble. We raked up pea vines to stuff the stubble straps, and when we were done, the blinds looked like a natural feature in the field.

Before the sun broke the eastern horizon, specklebelly geese tried to land on top of us. When the sun rose into the sky, our blinds did not produce shadows, and we continued to have success with big honkers and ducks. It was a limit shoot that proved having the right blinds makes a significant difference to success.

The Zero-Gravity Layout Blind has a chair that it is named after, providing comfort and support. The biggest problem is not falling asleep after getting up early and working hard. The blind comes fully assembled, and the outer shell fabric stretches out and can be staked into the ground. The low profile is outstanding for fields with little cover or relief. The shell is removable for cleaning and has stubble straps for proper concealment. There is no floor in the blind, and the zero-gravity chair keeps you off the ground. The flared sides provide exceptional storage. The blind is lightweight and has backpack straps for fields where you must pack everything. There is a zippered flag door, padded headrest, and snow covers are an option.


It is nice to have options with blinds, and when the weather is challenging, the Legend is my go-to favorite. Staying warm and dry makes it easier to enjoy the adventure. When concealment is a concern, my Zero-Gravity gets put to work to ensure the hunt goes as planned.

If you have not tried an ALPS layout waterfowl blind, do yourself a favor and sit in one in the store or when a buddy has one in the field. The zero-gravity is a standout feature. Anyone with back or mobility issues will want one. Being comfortable makes you more reactive when the birds cup their wings and glide into range. Shoot straight, and shoot often.

Remember all Infinite Outdoors members recieve 35% off ALPS OutdoorZ and other ALPS brands products. Pick up a new layout blind today and hit any of the Infinite Outdoors layout properties.